Activities to inspire outside-the-box thinking among students

Jul 2, 2024
Learning, School

Thinking outside the box refers to creative thinking that goes beyond conventional boundaries. It involves approaching problems and situations from innovative and creative angles. At our international school, we help students develop this skill as it enhances problem-solving abilities, fosters creativity, and encourages independent thinking.

9 activities to help students think outside the box

Engaging students in activities designed to promote thinking outside the box is essential for fostering creativity and innovative problem-solving skills. These activities encourage students to view challenges differently and develop unique solutions.

1. Brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming sessions are an excellent way to stimulate thinking outside the box. When students gather to generate a multitude of ideas without immediate judgement or criticism, it encourages free thinking, and an exploration of diverse viewpoints.

For instance, by using simple objects, such as a shoebox or cardboard tube, students can reimagine their uses creatively. These sessions not only enhance collaborative skills but also inspire students to think beyond conventional solutions, making it a vital tool promoting out-of-the-box creative thinking.

2. Picture prompts

Picture prompts is another effective activity that inspires creative thinking. Presenting students with an image and asking them to write a story based on it encourages them to think outside the box. This exercise enhances their ability to visualise and create unique narratives.

It pushes students to draw connections and think critically about what they see. Picture prompts can be tailored to different subjects, making them versatile tools in promoting innovative thinking across the curriculum.

3. Design thinking workshop

A Design thinking workshop is an engaging and practical way to teach students to think outside the box. This activity involves identifying real-world problems and brainstorming creative solutions through a structured process. Students work in groups to understand each other, define problems, ideate solutions, prototype, and test their ideas.

This hands-on approach encourages out-of-the-box creative thinking and problem-solving. By tackling challenges in innovative ways, students learn to view problems from different angles, fostering a mindset that embraces creativity and innovation.

4. Group drawing

Group drawing is a collaborative activity that encourages students to think outside the box. Students sit in a circle with a large sheet of paper and various drawing tools. One student starts drawing  a simple line or shape, and subsequently each student adds to the drawing, following a specific direction.

This collective creativity promotes unique ideas, as each addition transforms the drawing in unexpected ways. Group drawing not only fosters teamwork but also helps students develop innovative thinking skills through visual and collaborative expression.

5. Problem solving games

Problem-solving games are excellent for enhancing students' ability to think outside the box. Games like puzzles, escape rooms, or strategic board games challenge students to find unconventional solutions. These activities require critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

By engaging in these games, students learn to approach problems from different angles and develop innovative strategies. Problem-solving games not only make learning fun but also cultivate essential skills that encourage out-of-the-box thinking, preparing students for real-world challenges.

6. Reverse thinking

Reverse thinking is a powerful technique to inspire students to think outside the box. This method involves looking at problems or scenarios differently. For instance, instead of asking how to improve a process, students might consider how to make it worse. This unconventional approach helps them uncover hidden aspects and generate creative solutions.

Reverse thinking challenges students to break free from traditional thought patterns, fostering innovative ideas and unique problem-solving skills. It’s an effective way to promote out-of-the-box creative thinking.

7. Asking open-ended questions

Asking open-ended questions is a simple yet effective way to encourage students to think outside the box. Questions that begin with “how,” “why,” or “what” prompt students to explore and articulate their thoughts more deeply.

For example, asking “What do you enjoy most about this activity?” instead of “Do you like this activity?” fosters a broader range of responses. This technique helps students develop their ideas, express their creativity, and engage in critical thinking. Open-ended questions stimulate curiosity and inspire out-of-the-box thinking.

8. Nature play

Nature play is a fantastic way to encourage students to think outside the box. By interacting with the natural environment, students can explore and discover new ideas. Activities such as collecting leaves, sticks, and stones to create art or building structures encourage imaginative thinking.

Nature play allows students to engage their senses and draw inspiration from the world around them, fostering creativity and innovation. This hands-on, unstructured playtime helps develop problem-solving skills and encourages students to view their surroundings from unique perspectives.

9. Inspiring creativity

Inspiring creativity in students is essential for developing out-of-the-box thinking. Providing opportunities for creative expression, such as art projects, storytelling, and music, encourages students to explore their imaginations. Allowing them to experiment with different materials and ideas without fear of failure fosters an environment where innovative thinking can flourish.

Encouraging students to share their creative work and discuss their thought processes further stimulates creative thinking. By promoting a culture of creativity, educators can help students develop the skills necessary for thinking outside the box.

Role of teachers: How can teachers help students think outside the box?

Here are some effective strategies teachers can use to foster out-of-the-box thinking:

1. Encourage curiosity

Teachers can nurture curiosity by creating a classroom environment where questions are welcomed and exploration is encouraged. Providing open-ended tasks and encouraging students to ask "how" and "why" questions stimulates inquisitive minds.

2. Integrate hands-on learning

Incorporating hands-on projects and experiments helps students understand concepts through practical application. This approach encourages innovative problem-solving and creative thinking.

3. Foster a growth mindset

Promoting a growth mindset by praising effort rather than just outcomes helps students view challenges as opportunities to learn. Encouraging resilience and perseverance enables them to tackle problems creatively.

4. Support collaborative learning

Group activities and collaborative projects allow students to share diverse perspectives and brainstorm collectively. This collaborative approach enhances creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

5. Provide diverse learning materials

Using a variety of learning materials, such as multimedia resources, real-world examples, and interdisciplinary projects, broadens helps to broaden the horizon for students.

Role of parents: How can parents help kids think outside the box?

Parents' involvement is essential in fostering their children's creativity and encouraging them to think outside the box. By providing support, guidance, and opportunities for exploration, parents can help their children develop valuable skills for problem-solving and innovation.

1. Encourage them

Parents can nurture their children's curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions, explore new interests, and seek out new experiences. By fostering a sense of wonder and excitement about the world, parents inspire their children to think creatively and approach challenges with an open mind.

2. Embrace unconventional ideas

Parents can create a supportive environment where their children feel comfortable expressing unconventional ideas and exploring alternative solutions. By valuing creativity and innovation, parents help their children develop confidence in their ability to think outside the box.

3. Provide diverse experiences

Exposing children to a variety of experiences, cultures, and situations broadens their horizons and encourages them to think creatively. Parents can encourage their children to try new activities, visit new places, and interact with people from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of curiosity and creativity.

4. Encourage playfulness

Encouraging playfulness and imagination in everyday activities helps children develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. Parents can incorporate playful elements into daily routines, such as turning chores into games or encouraging imaginative play, to stimulate their children's creativity and encourage them to think outside the box.

How thinking outside the box impacts students’ learning?

Here’s how thinking outside the box has a profound impact on students' learning experiences:

1. Enhances problem-solving skills

Thinking outside the box encourages students to explore unconventional solutions to problems, enhancing their ability to tackle complex challenges with confidence and creativity.

2. Promotes resilience

Embracing a mindset of thinking outside the box fosters resilience in students, empowering them to persevere in the face of setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances with flexibility and determination.

3. Encourages exploration

Thinking outside the box encourages students to explore new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities, broadening their understanding of the world and stimulating their curiosity for knowledge.

4. Fosters innovation

By challenging conventional thinking and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, thinking outside the box sparks innovation and drives progress in various fields, from science and technology to art and literature.

5. Cultivates confidence

Engaging in creative and innovative problem-solving builds students' confidence in their abilities, empowering them to take risks, express their ideas, and pursue their passions with enthusiasm and self-assurance.


Fostering thinking outside the box among students is essential for their academic success and personal growth. Encouraging creativity, innovation, and critical thinking equips students with the skills they need to navigate the challenges of the future confidently.

Global Indian International School helps nurture these skills. By offering multiple curricula like IB Diploma, Cambridge IGCSE, IB Primary Years Programme e, GIIS focuses on emphasising creative thinking, enquiry, and problem-solving skills. The school provides students with a stimulating curriculum that prepares them for advanced studies. 

Ready to empower your child for a successful future? Apply for admissions at GIIS now!


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