Innovative learning spaces for students in schools: Why it matters and how it impacts?

Jul 3, 2024
Learning, School

The education sector is undergoing a significant shift. Gone are the days of rows of desks facing a teacher at the front of the classroom. Today, schools are embracing innovative learning spaces designed to foster a more engaging and effective learning environment for students. But why exactly do these spaces matter, and how do they impact students?

In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of innovative learning spaces, exploring their importance and the positive influence they have on student learning experiences. 

Why do innovative learning spaces matter in schools?

Here's a closer look at why innovative learning spaces are becoming increasingly important in schools:

1. Enhanced collaboration and communication

These spaces are designed to promote teamwork and interaction among students. Movable furniture and open floor plans allow for flexible group work, fostering communication and collaboration skills essential for success in the 21st century.

2. Improved creativity and critical thinking

Innovative learning spaces often incorporate areas for hands-on learning, experimentation, and exploration. This stimulates creative thinking and problem-solving skills, encouraging students to go beyond rote memorisation and delve deeper into concepts.

3. Promotes student-centred learning

These spaces move away from the traditional teacher-centred approach, empowering students to take ownership of their learning. These areas allow for independent study, research, and project-based learning, catering to individual learning styles and fostering a sense of agency in students.

4. Accommodates diverse learning styles

Innovative learning spaces can be adapted to cater to a wider range of learning styles. Quiet areas can benefit students who thrive in a more focused environment, while collaborative zones can cater to those who learn best through interaction.

5. Encourages a growth mindset

The flexibility and adaptability of innovative learning spaces can foster a growth mindset in students. Creating different learning environments encourages experimentation and a willingness to take risks, valuable skills for lifelong learning.

GIIS and innovative learning spaces

Global Indian International School (GIIS) is a leading international school in Singapore that recognises the importance of innovative learning spaces. We prioritise innovative learning spaces to create a stimulating environment. Beyond tech-equipped classrooms with Apple TVs and projectors, GIIS provides Learning Commons or open areas for collaborative projects and discussions.  Moreover, our Student Innovation Rooms offer spaces for group work while our NextGen Studios provide hands-on learning in various skills like design and technology. 

How innovative learning spaces impact students?

Innovative learning spaces go beyond aesthetics, they have a demonstrably positive impact on students' cognitive, social, and emotional development. Here's a detailed look at how these spaces influence students' learning experiences:

1. Enhanced collaboration

 Collaborative environment fosters communication skills, teamwork, and the ability to share ideas effectively.Students learn to negotiate, compromise, and resolve conflicts constructively, all essential skills for success in future careers and life in general. By working together on projects and presentations, students develop a sense of shared responsibility and build stronger relationships with their peers.

2. Improved creativity

These spaces often incorporate areas for hands-on activities, experimentation, and tinkering. Access to various materials and resources fuels student curiosity and ignites their imaginations. By encouraging students to explore different ideas and approaches, these spaces help them develop critical problem-solving skills and the confidence to tackle challenges in new and innovative ways.

3. Communication skills

Communication is a cornerstone of effective learning. Group discussions, presentations, and project work all require students to articulate their ideas clearly and concisely, listen actively to others, and provide constructive feedback. These spaces also encourage informal communication and peer-to-peer learning, fostering a sense of community and belonging within the classroom.

4. Encouragement of critical thinking

Innovative learning spaces move away from rote memorisation and passive learning. These environments encourage students to think critically, analyse information, and form their own conclusions. Access to technology and various learning resources empowers students to conduct independent research, explore different viewpoints, and develop sound arguments.

5. Promotes student-centred learning

Traditional classrooms often prioritise teacher-led instruction, with students passively absorbing information. Innovative learning spaces, on the other hand, promote student-centred learning, where students take an active role in their education. By empowering students to take ownership of their learning journey, innovative spaces foster a sense of responsibility, engagement, and intrinsic motivation to succeed.

6. Change in behaviour

Innovative learning spaces can positively impact student behaviour. The ability to move around and work in different configurations can help students release pent-up energy and improve focus. These spaces also incorporate designated quiet areas for students who require a more focused environment.

Additionally, the collaborative nature of these spaces fosters a sense of community and belonging, reducing feelings of isolation that can sometimes lead to disruptive behaviour.

7. Lifelong learning mindset

The adaptability and flexibility of innovative learning spaces can cultivate a growth mindset in students. The ability to experiment with different configurations and work in various settings encourages a willingness to take risks, learn from mistakes, and embrace challenges. These spaces foster a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom walls.


The concept of innovative learning spaces is revolutionising education, moving away from standardised classrooms and towards environments that cater to individual needs and promote a love for learning.

These spaces empower students to take an active role in their education, fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and a growth mindset. By providing students with a variety of learning environments, schools can create a more engaging and effective learning experience that prepares them for success in the 21st century.

Innovative Learning at GIIS

GIIS  campuses incorporate the latest advancements in classroom design, featuring flexible furniture, collaborative zones, and technology integration.This commitment to creating a stimulating and dynamic learning environment ensures that GIIS students, enrolled in programmes like the IB Diploma or Cambridge IGCSE or others, are well-equipped for success in a globalised world.By investing in innovative learning spaces, schools like GIIS are fostering a future generation of critical thinkers, effective communicators, and lifelong learners. 

So, are you ready to embrace the future of education? Explore the innovative learning spaces offered by GIIS and watch your child blossom into a confident and successful learner.

To know more, please feel free to connect with our admissions team.


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