CPE Guidelines

Global Indian International School is registered as a Private Education Institute by the Committee for Private Education.

What is CPE

Global Indian International School | CPE Reg No: 200912349N | Validity 25/02/2023 to 24/02/2027 Committee for Private Education (CPE) is part of Skills Future Singapore (SSG) Edutrust Cert No: EDU-2-2045 | Validity 10/12/2020 to 09/12/2024

EduTrust Certification

EduTrust is a voluntary certification scheme awarded to PEIs who have achieved higher standards in key areas of management and the provision of educational services. Only those PEIs which are EduTrust-certified can enrol international students who require Student Passes from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

Global Indian International School (GIIS) has met all compliance requirements and has been awarded a 4-year EduTrust certification by CPE.

Student Contract

The Student Contract is a critical document that governs the relationship between the PEI, i.e. GIIS (in this case) and the student. Prospective studentslooking for admission at the best international school in Singapore, should therefore, understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated in the contract before signing it. It needs to be signed before the course fee is paid.

The Student Contract contains information on the course structure and details of course fees, refund policy, fee protection scheme, medical insurance scheme and additional information relating to the governing law and dispute resolution.

Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)

In compliance with the requirements of the CPE, GIIS is required to purchase insurance on behalf of its students to protect student fees. Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) is a mandatory regulatory requirement.


Insurance Provider

We have appointed Lonpac Insurance Bhd as the fee insurance provider for its students.


Protected Fees

Course Fees stipulated in Schedule 2.1 in Standard PEI-Student Contract of GIIS are insured. It refers to all fees paid by the Students to be enrolled in a private education institution, excluding the course application/registration fee, miscellaneous fees (ad-hoc, non-compulsory and non-standard fee paid only when necessary or where applicable) and GST. The FPS serves to protect students' fees in the event that a Private Education Institute (PEI) is unable to continue operations due to insolvency and/or regulatory closure. In addition, the FPS protects the student if the PEI fails to pay penalties or to return fees to students arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore Courts. Within seven days of the receipt of the school fees, GIIS will purchase the FPS insurance to protect the fees, and the coverage takes effect from the day of school fee payment is made.


Certificate of Insurance

Students will receive a soft copy of the Certificate of Insurance via email from the insurance provider and a hardcopy of the Certificate from GIIS, if requested. In the event of not receiving the COI, please contact admissions team at admissions.sg@globalindianschool.org


Insured Events

Loss of ‘Course Fees’ by Insured Student due to insolvency or Regulatory Closure of PEI

Failure of PEI to pay Sum Awarded by Singapore Courts to the Insured Student

Death by Accident or Total Permanent Disability by Accident of Insured Student – a benefit of SGD 10,000/- will be payable to the student


Insurance Claim Process

All claims shall be made on the Insurance Provider’s prescribed forms and submitted to the Insurance Provider along with the following documents:

Certificate of Insurance

Original Fee Receipts

Valid Student Contract

Proof of Identity

LONPAC Insurance Bhd will notify all insured students of the relevant claim procedures that must be followed.

For more information on the Fee Protection Scheme on the CPE, click here.

Medical Insurance

GIIS has a medical insurance scheme in place for all students compliant with the EduTrust guidelines by CPE. GIIS selected Income Insurance Ltd as the medical insurance provider.

What is Covered?

It covers hospitalisation and day surgery.

It doesn’t cover any pre-existing illness.

It doesn’t cover outpatient treatments, unless they are:

For follow up treatment related to a hospitalisation/day surgery and incurred within 90 days prior to or after the hospitalisation or day surgery.

For emergency outpatient treatments due to accidents within 24 hours of the accident, GP (General Practitioner) bills are not claimable.

GHS Claims Process

Claims Procedure

(a) Claimants to notify GIIS via email gopika.k@globalschools.com / adm.giissin@globalschools.com  or call + (65) 6914-7100  for an upcoming claim submission and to provide the following details: 
1. Name as per NRIC/Passport
2. NRIC/Fin No. 
3. School Admission Date 
4. Date of Birth 
5. Gender 
6. Nationality 
7. Email Address 

(b) A welcome email from Howden MediHub will be sent to the email address provided in 5 working days. 

(c) Claimants are to register and log into the Howden MediHub mobile/ web application within a week of receiving the Howden MediHub welcome e-mail. 

(d) Claimant  to submit the required documents through the app within 30 days from the date of discharge from hospitalisation, from the date of death or from the date expenses were incurred for which the claim is made, whichever is applicable. Claimant must remember to provide their bank details.

(e) Once the insurer receives all the necessary documents, the claim will be processed in approximately four (4) working weeks through the 'Medihub' app.

(f) The claimant can easily check their claims status on the 'Medihub' app and get assistance from the 24/7 'Medihub' hotline at 6715 6400 or by emailing howden.medihub@ihp.com.sg.

MediHub App - Registration Process

Scope of Coverage

B2 ward entitlement in Government Restructured Hospitals.

Ability to upgrade to higher wards or private hospitals subject to pro-rated factors.

Annual Limit of $20,000 per student on “As Charged” basis.

Payment of the Claim Amount

The insurance company (i.e. Income Insurance in this case) will pay on a reimbursement basis. The student will have to pay the hospital first and submit all original hospital bills for reimbursement. The student will then be refunded for the eligible claim amount, by cheque or via bank transfer.

For claims, please get in touch with:

Once the claim amount has been received by the insurance company, your account will be credited for the same amount.

More information can be obtained from the Insurance Provider:

Income Insurance Ltd
Income Centre,
75, Bras Basah Road
Singapore 189557
Tel: 6788 1777 | Fax: 6338 1500

More details about CPE, Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) and the EduTrust Certification Scheme or Private Education in Singapore, please visit the website of Committee for Private Education (CPE) at http://www.cpe.gov.sg

Relevant Singapore Laws

Relevant Singapore laws especially those relating to ICA and Ministry of Manpower. This includes, but not limited to, immigration requirements, laws on driving, drugs and alcohol abuse, employment, smoking, traffic and littering.

Immigration and Checkpoint Authority - GIIS Singapore


All international students studying in Singapore must have a valid passport and a Student Pass from the ICA (Immigration and Checkpoint Authority).


International students are not allowed to work in Singapore without a ‘Work Pass Exemption’ from the MOM (Ministry of Manpower).


All drivers must be in possession of a valid Singapore driving license and the vehicle must be insured.


Possession of Controlled Drugs is presumed to be for trafficking, an offence which can carry the death penalty.

Alcohol Abuse

Any offense committed while being intoxicated (drunk) is punishable under the law. Drunk driving is a serious offence.


Smoking in specific public places and indoor restaurants is prohibited.


Jay walking is an offence.


Littering, spitting and vandalism (with graffiti) in public areas are serious offences.

Other Areas of Singapore Law
Singapore Law Website: http://www.singaporelaw.sg/

Please Note: